Since excess weight puts you at risk for many health problems, you may need to set some weight loss plans to help avoid those risks and prevent disease.

But what should be your long-term goal? And what short-term goals should you set to help you get there? You have a better chance of attaining your goals if you make sure that the weight loss plans that you will use are sensible and reasonable right at the beginning.

Here are some guidelines from the experts in choosing weight loss plans and goals.

1. Be realistic

Most people’s long-term weight loss plans are more ambitious than they have to be.

For example, if you weigh 170 pounds and your long-term plan is to weigh 120, even if you have not weighed 120 since you were 16 and now you are 45, that is not a realistic weight loss goal.

Your body mass index or BMI is a good indicator of whether or not you need to shed of pounds. The ideal BMI range, according to the national Institutes of Health, is between 19 and 24.9. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are considered overweight. Any number above 30 is in the obesity range.

From this point of view, you will need a sensible weight loss plan that will correspond to the required BMI based on your height, because this is the primary factor that will affect your BMI.

2. Set appropriate objectives

Using a weight loss plan just for vanity’s sake is psychologically less helpful than losing weight to improve health.

You have made a big step forward if you decide to undergo a weight loss plan that includes exercise and eating right so that you will feel better and have more energy to do something positive in your life.

3. Focus on doing, not losing

Rather than saying that you are going to lose a pound this week, say how much you are going to exercise this week. This would definitely make up of a sensible weight loss plan.

Keep in mind that your weight within a span of a week is not completely in your control, but your behavior is.

4. Build bit by bit

Short-term weight loss plans should not be “pie-in-the-sky.” This means that when you have never exercised at all, your best weight loss plan for this week should be based on finding three different one-mile routes that you can walk next week.

5. Keep up the self-encouragement

An all-or-nothing attitude only sets you up to fail. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fall short of some goals, just look ahead to next week. You do not need to have a perfect record.

After all, self-encouragement should definitely be a part of your weight loss plans. Otherwise, you will just fail in the end.

6. Use measurable measures

Saying that you are going to be more positive this week or that you are going to really get serious this week is not a goal that you can measure and should not be a part of your weight loss plan.

This is another reason why you should incorporate exercise on your weight loss plan and focus on it. You should be able to count up the minutes of exercise in order to be successful in your plan.

The bottom line is, people should make weight loss plans that will only remain as it is, just a plan. They have to put it into action by incorporating goals that will motivate them to succeed.

Tandem skydiving in New Jersey is a very popular sport. Since tandem parachuting is one of the easiest, and perhaps the best for a novice, ways to experience the extreme sport of skydiving. There are several benefits to tandem skydiving. One benefit is that there is not very much training involved. Another benefit is that is that you can take comfort in the experience of the jump instructor you'll be working with. One final benefit is that there is an automatic activation dev...

skydiving new jersey, skydiving guide, new jersey, guide, parachute, powered parachutes

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Tandem skydiving in New Jersey is a very popular sport. Since tandem parachuting is one of the easiest, and perhaps the best for a novice, ways to experience the extreme sport of skydiving. There are several benefits to tandem skydiving. One benefit is that there is not very much training involved. Another benefit is that is that you can take comfort in the experience of the jump instructor you'll be working with. One final benefit is that there is an automatic activation device on the parachute, so your chute will be sure to deploy at the appropriate time during a jump.

Classes and Lessons

Skydiving begins with a training session. The session will teach you the basics of skydiving, the equipment necessary, and what to do in the air. After your training session, you will go through a regulatory equipment check procedure. The safety harness you are wearing will be checked by your instructor for proper fit, and then you will be headed to the plane for take off. The flight itself takes about twenty-five to thirty-five minutes. During the final minutes of your flight to your dive destination, the instructor will review the basics of the dive with you to ensure you are properly prepared to make your jump.

A few minutes before the exit from the aircraft, the instructor will lean out the door to guide the pilot in terms of final jump preparations as wind conditions can vary from day to day. A few minutes later, you and your instructor will walk to the door and begin your jump. You will free fall for approximately five seconds before your first chute, your drogue chute, will be deployed.

Eventually, your instructor will let you know that he's about to deploy the main chute. Once the chute is deployed, you will begin a gentle descent to the ground. The instructor may even allow you to steer the chute on the way down. Landing is the final step to skydiving tandem in NJ. The instructor will do most of the hard work during this portion of the jump. Skydiving is a popular sport throughout the world. Skydiving in New Jersey is an excellent way to experience the sport.

If you've ever been around someone who is persistently miserable you'll find that they have a working strategy for making their experience unpleasant for themselves.

This article will give a few explanations why they use a strategy that makes them miserable, how that process works, and if this describes you, why you might want to change. It will also describe what you'll have to sacrifice if you no longer want to be miserable.

misery, suffering, happiness,

Article Body:
If you've ever been around someone who is persistently miserable you'll find that they have a working strategy for making their experience unpleasant for themselves.

This article will give a few explanations why they use a strategy that makes them miserable, how that process works, and if this describes you, why you might want to change. It will also describe what you'll have to sacrifice if you no longer want to be miserable.

Also, if the benefits of being miserable are enough you'll learn how to continue to make choices and decisions that contribute to your misery.

The Benefits of Misery.

It's hard to believe that there are benefits to feeling bad but the fact is that there are. Some of these benefits include:

* Uniqueness. If you are suffering you at least can see yourself as special and even persecuted.

* Righteousness. If you are miserable because of something outside of your control you can hold it up as a banner and proclaim that you must be right to have such an enemy.

* Blame. As long as your misery can be something external to you then you can blame it for all your problems. This releases the burden of self-reflection and change.

* Familiarity. Sometimes misery is the only thing that seems familiar. Getting rid of it would mean launching yourself is a completely unfamiliar territory and might mean new things about yourself that you had never considered before.

* Misery is easy. There are very few people who go through life and are naturally happy. Those that are have found a strategy that works for them often after a lot of effort. It takes some work to change ones thinking process.

How to make decisions that make you feel miserable.

* Ask a series of miserable questions of yourself like
"What could go wrong about today?"
"What do I have to feel guilty about?"
"Why do bad things always happen to me?"
"Why am I feeling so terrible?"

* Make vague and unreasonable expectations and goals.
By making a goal or expectation unreasonable you'll make it impossible to achieve. By making them vague you'll never know exactly if you achieve them and you'll always be able to say "No, that's not what I meant."

* Think the worst first.
For any event that occurs you have a million ways of thinking about it. Go for the worst possible interpretation. For example, if you walk into a store and teenagers are outside laughing and smoking cigarettes they are probably laughing at you.

* Cling to past hurts.
Progress can be easily inhibited when you use past hurt of slow you down. These can take the form of lingering on why your life has been so terrible or even by saying “We've never done it that way before. Why start now?”

Why you might want to stop feeling miserable.

* Without a doubt misery is the number one cause of suicide. If you want to live you want to get rid of your misery.

* You will have more power (much, much more) and control over your life if you stop all the misery producing processes and take responsibility for your life.

How to stop making miserable decisions.

* Set reasonable goals using the S.M.A.R.T. goals process. If you don't know what this is do a google search.

* Know when your emotions are trying to influence away from your goals and work to keep your focus.

* Agree to take responsibility for your life and especially for your emotions. This is very hard work but very rewarding.

What you will have to give up when you stop making miserable decisions.

* You will have to give up on the belief that your suffering makes you unique. The fact is suffering is ordinary and boring to most people. We've all experienced it and there is little you can say about your suffering that will make us think of you for very long. What is exceptional and unique is someone who makes no excuses for their life and decides to excel and feel joy AS A CHOICE.

* You will have to give up blame. This means blaming anyone or anything. It means even giving up blaming yourself.

* You will have to give up on fear and timidity. Only boldness and audacity can overcome a longstanding habit of misery.

Final note.

While all of this may seem vary callus and cold it's important to point out that this is not an essay by which you should judge other people but only yourself. Bad things do happen to good people and it's a good idea to help them when you can. On the other hand, if you find someone who is persistently and habitually miserable it's generally a good idea to keep your distance from them lest they infect you with their misery and, beleive me, they can do that more easily than you think.

The Humminbird Piranha 10 offers some of the features of your favorite fish finding tools in a portable, easy to use system.

electronic, sonar, GPS, fish finders, humminbird, garmin, bottom line, magellan, lowrance, eagle

Article Body:
The Humminbird Piranha 10 offers some of the features of your favorite fish finding tools in a portable, easy to use system. Here are some of its features that we think will prove to you that all this is a system that is simply a must have.

The display starts with a high definition 106V by 132 H. This is a nice sized screen that will give you a good picture of what’s below the waters!

It features a true four level grayscale. This provides you with a very clear, crisp look of the bottom as well as any structures and fish lurking below as well. This is essential so that you can find and lure them in!

You can use One-Touch control to access full sets of advanced features. You get access to all of the features you want so badly!

The Humminbird Piranha also features a water temperature gauge is included in the transducer. This will help you know if the water is warm enough for your fish or if you need move.

To make your trip easy, you’ll find that the portable offers a rugged, portable case which will protect your fishfinder in case it gets in harms way. It features a no skid bottom to keep it in place when you need it to be. This allows for you to be comfortable leaving it where you can view it while you use your hands for your fish lures. It also has a suction cup transducer that will punt to aluminum, wood, fiberglass so that you have a secure way to hold your fishfinder is place.

There are many reasons to purchase the Humminbird Piranha 10. It gives you a portable, easy to use system to locating your fish. It allows you to find, lure in and secure your fish. Imagine coming home after a hot day on the waters and still having time to relax in front of the television because it only took you half as long to find your fish!

As paintball improved and became popular, many individuals tried their abilities at it; giving rise to the assortment and diversity of paintball tournaments and games.

Recreational or Capture the Flag
Played by two teams, where each team has a flag and the objective of both teams is to capture or seize the opponent’s flag and carry it to your team’s starting point. This is one way for your team to win and another way is by eliminating the opposing team entirely.

Each team has to defend their base and simultaneously dispatch team players to eliminate the opponent and capture their flag.

These games are usually played in the forest; bunkers and structures can be put up throughout the area.

Scenario Paintball

This is a paintball game with a theme set up behind it: there are an endless number of themes that can be created making the game feel and look very realistic. There are a number of players; in many cases as many as a hundred are involved in each team.

Each team gets the theme (storyline) a day before the start of the game. There are usually two teams participating, having the “general” as a team’s leader.

Each player is given a role and they should work together as a team in order to carry out and win an assigned mission. Props in accordance with the theme are introduced and distributed throughout the field. There are questions asked in connection with the theme and points are awarded for correct answers.

These points are totaled at the conclusion of the game and the team having the most number of points wins.


This can be played right at your own backyard, a friend’s empty property or at times any property but you must as you get permission first. You gather your friends to form a group and then conceptualize your own game which typically is “capture the flag”.


Also called “Center Flag”, the speedball field is designed with many huge bunkers; usually “inflatables” filled with air that are shaped similar to big snakes, soda cans, water tanks etc.

Here, a team can be composed of between three to ten players in a game. There is only one flag that is involved and it is located at the center of a field. The two teams start at each end of the field and attempt to gain possession of the flag at the center and carry it to their bunker. The team that does this successfully wins.

Paintball can surely challenge the “soldier” in you. Give it a shot!

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